Combat Sports Now
Live and On Demand Combat Sports Streaming

Ruthless Made Promotions presents
Ruthless Made Promotions Round 3
Live from Auglaize County Fairgrounds in Wapakoneta, Oh
Saturday August 26th 2023
07:00 PM ET
Stream UnAvailable
Internet not available
Frequently asked questions
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- What do I get when I purchase this?
We provide you access to stream the entire event live while it's going on.
You also get access to the on demand version after the show ends.
Plus you're supporting local and regional mma events like Ruthless Made Promotions .
- What devices can I cast or airplay to?
There are several!
- Amazon Fire Sticks and Devices
- Any TV that says Airplay on it.
- AppleTV
- Chromecast Devices
- Samsung TVs
- Standalone Roku and Roku TVs
- Why does this cost $19.99?
There are a lot of costs involved when putting on an event like this, even a smaller event has considerable costs involved. The promotions pays out a lot for a venue, insurance, fighters, commission, judges, refs and supplies.
We started Combat Sports Now to help the promoters make the most of their events. Promoters get the lion's share of your purchase.